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What To Look for in a Timber Frame Floor Plan

Everyone who is building their dream timber home prioritizes these top five items, AND

SO SHOULD YOU... Except, I'm speaking in jest! I'm highlighting a serious problem with how

we think as flawed social creatures. Social proof is generally beneficial as it provides

guidelines for succeeding in society. However, it often goes too far, causing us to lose

confidence and freedom, essentially becoming prisoners in our minds.


Before we begin, let's change the context to "What should you look for in a timber frame home plan?" Notice the emphasis is on you, not society's judgment of what should be. With this healthy perspective, you can benefit from society's collective wisdom and inspiration without becoming a slave to what others think.

home design wish list
Wishlist for Home Design

Review the following list of items in Fig 1 that homeowners commonly request.

Although the list is long, it is by no means exhaustive. Within this list, you may find some items that you consider must-haves. Some items will be easy NOs, and others will fall into the maybe / hopeful category.

Read through the list quickly, put a line through items you do not want, circle the items you want, and leave the maybe / hopeful items untouched. Write down any other thoughts or items that come to mind.

Save this list to refer back to and modify as you move forward in planning your timber home. You probably noticed that the items above are driven by comfort, money savings, convenience, hobbies, interests, social connection, time savings, security, health, return on investment, energy savings, status, and personalization. As this list largely consists of specific products and eatures that will collectively define your home, inspiration can quickly turn into confusion. However, now that your wheels are turning, we ask you to focus on the big picture in the next section. The Arrow Timber Framing (ATF) decision juggling act starts with significant decisions to help you gain clarity on "What YOU Should Look for in Your Timber Frame Home!"


In the past, we have had fun cautioning readers to avoid confusing Arrow Timber Framing (ATF) with the other bigger and better-known behemoth, ATF. Please humor my

extended use of this memorable acronym. Now put on your clown nose and prepare to “juggle” the following home design ""balls":


The three factors to juggle for all your building decisions.

As you make your home design and building decisions, you'll "juggle" these "balls" to find balance. The Activities "ball" includes flexibility, function, and use, which can also include location if privacy, horse riding, bird watching, living next to water/view, etc., is high on your wish list.

Begin by estimating the space required for bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms. Also, consider accommodations that might be required for entertaining, relaxation, work/study, hobbies/recreation, and storage. As you do this, ideas for pleasurable, convenient living will come to mind, and you should write these down as they will help with floor plan development.

The Tone "ball" refers to how your home looks, feels, and lives - an overall personality if you will. Most people can juggle the Activities and Finance "balls" reasonably well but struggle to keep the Tone "ball" in the air. Why? Sometimes I wonder if it has to do with the conflict between who we are and who we want to become.

In other words, our style is an expression of who we are, but most of us aspire to change in some way.

So, our thinking and perception of what we want are clouded. Our vocabulary and ability to express homestyle are generally underdeveloped, and we are talking about an ambiguous thing - a tone, a feeling, a certain look. This isn’t exactly what you could call a mathematical equation with straightforward input and output.

Some people adopt a style catchphrase like "Modern Craftsman" or "Rustic Farmhouse" to assist in juggling the Tone "ball". That is one of the tactics we recommend for homeowners!

Would you like to read the rest of this article from the Inspiration Report? View it online in E-Book Format HERE.

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